

Katta bichong Talatanirang Abachengani tarik Matchotani tarik Tarie dongimin lekarang
DSC-Receptionist-Candidate List

In pursuance of the Advertisement No. SWGHA/DSC.1(ADV)/2015-16/8, Dated Ampati, the 20th September, 2018, the application received for the post of Receptionist have been scrutinised and the list of Candidates are as follows-

20/08/2024 10/09/2024 Nibo (2 MB)

This is for general information of all candidates that as per the Office Memorandum No. PER(AR)25/2022/Pt/23, dtd. 14/6/2023, the various Posts which was advertised earlier by the District Selection Committee, South West Garo Hills. Ampati vide Advertisement No. SWGHA/DSC.1(ADV)/2015-16/8, dtd. 20/09/2018, the category of post for Roster.

08/08/2024 31/08/2024 Nibo (315 KB)
Advertisement – Office Assistant at e-Sewa Kendra

Office Assistant e-Sewa Kendra-na advertisement.

13/08/2024 27/08/2024 Nibo (387 KB)
Court – Walk in Interview Eligible and Ineligible List

Court – Walk in Interview Eligible and Ineligible List

13/08/2024 16/08/2024 Nibo (5 MB)
Result of Driving Test

Practical Driving Test jekon 2nd oni 22nd November 2023-o ongatani result.

08/07/2024 31/07/2024 Nibo (264 KB)
Driver Post-ni Interview-na Uiatani

Driver Post ni Interview-ko 30th July 2024 o ongatani gimin uiatani.

24/07/2024 30/07/2024 Nibo (266 KB)
LDA-na Walk in Interveiw-ni Result

LDA-na Walk in Interveiw-ni Result

15/05/2024 31/05/2024 Nibo (835 KB)
Assistant Teacher Advertisement

Saksa Assistant Teacher ni post Patijora Secondary School-na donga. 

08/03/2024 16/03/2024 Nibo (298 KB)
Notice for Award of Contract

Office Equipment and Furniture for New IVSC under MLAMP

07/03/2024 15/03/2024 Nibo (386 KB)
Interview Result

Interview Result

12/02/2024 29/02/2024 Nibo (406 KB)
Uiatanirang 26/10/2023 15/02/2024 Nibo (675 KB)

Rejected list of candidates regarding Advertisement No. SWGHA/DSC.1l(ADV)/2015-16/8

03/07/2023 03/08/2023 Nibo (6 MB)

Regarding Written Examination for the post of Lower Division Assistant (LDA)

26/06/2023 23/07/2023 Nibo (815 KB)